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How much should you pay to rent house In Saigon? FfWzt02
Diễn đàn rao vặt Tuổi trẻ
How much should you pay to rent house In Saigon? FfWzt02


23.03.20 13:47



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Thành viên cứng
For many people, spending money and financial planning is an unpleasant topic and to rent house in an expensive city like Saigon is a particularly dreaded one. However, as long as you have a specific plan to stick to, avoid overspending and unnecessary spending, your bank account will be secured.

How much should you pay to rent house In Saigon? Apartment-for-rent-3-7

Your rental budget is based on your income, and luckily there is a simple and trusted rule of thumb to consider, called the 30% threshold. It basically means that you should spend approximately 30% of your income on rent. Let’s say your annual income is 100 million VND. Multiply that by 30%, you will get how much you should spend to rent house yearly. Divide that by 12 months, you get your preferred budget of 2.5 million VND monthly.

How much should you pay to rent house In Saigon? Apartment-for-rent-13-1

You can be a bit more flexible on the rule to rent house in Saigon. If you are a home person who wants your house to feel as homey and comfortable as possible, including high-quality features and amenities, you might go a bit further to spend 30-35% of your income. As long as you feel it’s worthy of your investment. On the other hand, if you are an outgoing person who is constantly on the go, you might consider spending a little less from 15-20% to rent house and save up for nights out and traveling. It is all up to your preferences, lifestyles and how much you want to invest in your home. 

How much should you pay to rent house In Saigon? Apartment-for-rent-15

Here are prices of Saigon rent house in different areas for you to compare:

+ Inexpensive rental areas (1-1.8 million for an 18-25m2 house and 1.8-3 million for a 25m2 – 40m2 house): Binh Tan District, District 6, District 9, District 12, Thu Duc, Go Vap (Northeast), Binh Chanh.

+ Average rental areas (2.5 – 3.5 million for a 25m2 – 30m2 house and 3.5 – 6 million for a 30-60m2 house): Binh Thanh, Go Vap, District 5, District 10, District 11, District 2, Tan Binh and Tan Phu district.

+ High rental areas: District 1, District 3, and Phu Nhuan.

Hope you get a better hang of how to calculate your rent. You can fully access and exploit information about house rentals on our website housingsgn.com to find the best Saigon rent house for your budget.

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